When the doctor brings up augmentation

 When the doctor brings up augmentation

Augmenting (speeding up/ initiating) labor is a discussion that is bound to happen between doctors and families in a high percent of pregnancies and labors, whether it is at weeks 38/39 or during early or active labor.  Sweeping membranes (separating the amniotic sac from the uterine wall) or breaking the waters to speed labor may be suggested.  The use of oxytocin to initiate or stimulate contractions is quite common as well, but is found to increase Cesarean rates.  BioMedCentral.com's 2022 article on labor dystocia ('slow labor') concludes that a healthy respect of mothers with slower labors is key, and that doctors generally shouldn't augment with oxytocin because of the increase of Cesarean rates.  
My encouragement is that families read about these trends and options well before they are in late pregnancy so that they know what kinds of questions to ask should they be encouraged to speed up their labors.  Also, discussing these trends with their care providers is key before labor begins.  What is their doctor's opinion of 'slower' labor?  How many hours constitutes slow vs. normal vs. fast labors?  What is Doctor's feedback when a birth plan includes staying upright, walking and allowing labor to progress naturally?  Arm yourself with knowledge before labor begins and have plenty of conversations now, and of course reach back out with questions!


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